October 9, 2024

In Emergencies, Second Matters: Canopy Can Help End Violence Against Healthcare Workers

Shan Sinha, Canopy CEO, discussed how to end violence against healthcare workers with Healthcare Drive

Photo of a security guard responding to a Canopy alert with the words “In a crisis, seconds matter”

Healthcare workers are threatened with violence daily in the United States. Violent injuries are five times more prevalent in healthcare than in other industries, and 75% of the approximately 25,000 workplace assaults reported annually occur in the healthcare industry.

Shan Sinha noticed this trend and launched Canopy, a wearable safety technology company, in 2019. Canopy offers a personal duress button that hospital workers can press to alert their security team when they are in distress. Canopy Protect safeguards those who work on the hospital campus. Canopy Go protects home health workers and those who work at outpatient facilities.

“Hospitals are raw, emotional places. When we looked at all the data coming out of the pandemic, clearly there was a rise in violence and assault against staff, but it hasn’t receded over the last few years,” Sinha told Healthcare Drive when he sat down for an interview with the team in September. “And it affects retention; it affects burnout. It’s one of those things that obviously is going to show up if you’re trying to take care of patients on a day-to-day basis.” 

Read the rest of Sinha’s interview with Healthcare Drive.